“Matteo Salvini: minacce di morte sui social, un importante messaggio per il leader della Lega”

Matteo Salvini, vice premier and Minister of Infrastructure, has announced that he will press charges against the author of a death threat he received on Instagram. He posted a screenshot of the message, which included insults and a statement that he would eventually explode, alongside the profile of the person responsible.

The President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, strongly condemns the death threats against Salvini, expressing his sincere support. He states that every time a representative of the people receives a death threat, it is a defeat for everyone, especially for the institutions they represent. He is saddened to once again have to comment on yet another death threat, specifically mentioning that the author knows where Salvini lives. The Minister for Regional Affairs, Roberto Calderoli, expresses his solidarity and support for Salvini both as a colleague minister and as a friend and fellow member of the League. He warns that we are witnessing a dangerous and worrying escalation, hoping that it will not be underestimated by anyone.

The leaders of the League party in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, Riccardo Molinari and Massimiliano Romeo, condemn the disgraceful and unacceptable death threats directed at Salvini, who has been the target of insults and defamation for too long. They expect a strong condemnation of this new verbal violence from all political forces, and a responsible action from those who, even among commentators and opponents, feel free to cross the line with shameful personal attacks, escalating the confrontation.

Salvini’s decision to press charges against the author of the death threat reflects his determination to stand up against such acts of violence and intimidation. The support from political colleagues and leaders in Italy also highlights the seriousness of the situation and the need for a unified response against these threats.


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