La faida social tra Giulia De Lellis, Ferragni e Fedez: reazioni e polemiche

Giulia De Lellis has recently sparked controversy with a post that didn’t sit well with the Ferragnez. The Roman influencer shared a post on her Instagram stories that has since been deleted.

Just a few days ago, as many of you may know, the highly anticipated special episode of the second season of “The Ferragnez” was released on Amazon Prime Video. The episode focused on Chiara Ferragni’s hosting experience at the Sanremo Festival. It was a very personal episode, where Chiara exposed her vulnerability and concerns leading up to the event. She expressed her desire for support from her husband, Fedez, who unfortunately overshadowed her and made her uncomfortable during the festival.

As expected, this episode sparked a heated debate and received harsh criticism from some figures in the entertainment industry, such as Selvaggia Lucarelli. She published a lengthy post on her social media profiles, criticizing Chiara Ferragni. So, what does Giulia De Lellis have to do with all of this? Well, the Roman influencer reshared a snippet of Lucarelli’s post on her own social media, triggering a big controversy and drawing the ire of the Ferragnez.

Giulia De Lellis wrote, “Here I laughed out loud, sorry,” while sharing part of Selvaggia Lucarelli’s post on Instagram. This implied that she fully supported Lucarelli’s opinion.

What caused the controversy was the fact that De Lellis specifically chose to reshare the part of the post that mentioned Chiara Ferragni’s manager, Fabio Maria D’Amato. Lucarelli referred to the relationship between the influencer and the manager, claiming that Fedez and D’Amato couldn’t stand each other.

Although De Lellis removed the post shortly after, many users had already taken screenshots, which quickly went viral.

Chiara Ferragni and Fedez didn’t stay silent and received an overwhelming amount of comments defending them. They decided to show their support by liking some of these comments. Fedez liked a comment that provocatively mentioned De Lellis and Lucarelli’s controversy in Israel: “Why don’t you tell us about the parties in Israel, Giulia, so we can all have a good laugh out loud?”

Just a few months ago, Lucarelli and De Lellis faced a media storm regarding their trip to Israel. Lucarelli was criticized for being too lenient towards De Lellis and her missteps during the trip. Many believed that Lucarelli’s judgment was influenced by their shared agency. However, Lucarelli didn’t show the same leniency towards the Ferragnez.

Chiara Ferragni, on the other hand, liked a tweet where a user posted the story that De Lellis had deleted, with the comment: “I could talk about the famous lack of female solidarity, misogyny between women, or the absence of objectivity. Because in these comments, everything is allowed only when talking about a great success like Ferragni’s. But I’ll just say this: don’t cry bitterly.”

In conclusion, keen fans noticed that Chiara and Federico unfollowed De Lellis on Instagram. It’s clear that there is an open war between them. How will this story end? Will they be able to mend their relationship?


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