Assago: condannato a più di 19 anni di carcere l’aggressore che ha ferito 6 persone con coltello

Un italiano di 46 anni, che pare abbia problemi psichici, ha rischiato di fare una strage nel centro commerciale Milano Fiori di Assago, a Milano. Ha afferrato un coltello dall'espositore all'interno del supermercato Carrefour e, senza alcun preavviso, ha iniziato a colpire persone a caso, uccidendo un dipendente trentenne della catena di grande distribuzione e ferendone gravemente altre 4. Tre di loro sono state trasportate in codice rosso in ospedale e il quadro clinico appare molto grave. Al momento le persone coinvolte sono 6, hanno dai 28 agli 81 anni. I carabinieri del comando provinciale di Milano stanno lavorando per ricostruire la dinamica, ma per ora escludono che possa esserci una matrice terroristica alla base del gesto. Più probabile che l'uomo abbia colpito in preda a una crisi psichica esplosa all'improvviso. Tra i feriti anche Pablo Marì, difensore spagnolo del Monza, raggiunto da un fendente che non avrebbe provocato danni preoccupanti al calciatore di serie A. ANSA/MASSIMO ALBERICO

Andrea Tombolini, a 46-year-old man accused of murder, attempted murder, and assault for stabbing six people at the Carrefour in the Milanofiori shopping center in Assago, Milan on October 27, 2022, has been sentenced to 19 years and 4 months in prison. Judge Silvia Perrucci of Milan made this decision in a fast-track trial.

The judge handed down a sentence that was only slightly lower than the 20-year sentence requested by Prosecutor Paolo Storari, who led the investigation conducted by the Carabinieri. The prosecutor did not request any mitigating circumstances. As requested by the prosecution, the judge also ordered three years of probation for Tombolini once he has served his sentence. For the father of Luis Fernando Ruggieri, the supermarket employee who was killed, the judge awarded provisional compensation of €30,000 to be paid by Tombolini, reserving the determination of the total damages for the civil court. The victim’s father was represented by lawyer Marco Dallavalle. The victims of attempted murder and assault were also awarded provisional compensation of €15,000 (with total damages to be determined in civil court). Among these victims is Monza footballer Pablo Mari, who was discharged from the hospital a few days after the attack but only returned to playing in January after four months of treatment. Until the verdict becomes final, Tombolini will remain in a protected community under house arrest. The prosecutor also made it clear in court today that he believes Tombolini “needs treatment, not prison.” A psychiatric evaluation in the trial had determined that he was capable of understanding and intending his actions at the time of the incident, despite suffering from mental disorders. The judge did not find him to have any mental defects, as argued by the defense represented by lawyer Daniela Frigione.

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