Antonio Accorinti, figlio di un boss, si pente: un’importante svolta nella lotta alla ‘Ndrangheta

I carabinieri del Comando provinciale di Vibo Valentia, con il coordinamento della Dda di Catanzaro, stanno eseguendo nella provincia di Vibo e in altre zone del territorio nazionale, 61 fermi in una vasta operazione contro la 'ndrangheta, con l'impiego di oltre 500 militari. Nell'inchiesta sono indagate complessivamente 167 persone tra le quali - in stato di libertà - l'ex presidente della provincia di Vibo e ex sindaco di Briatico Andrea Niglia per una presunta truffa aggravata dal metodo mafioso, 10 Maggio 2023. ANSA/US CARABINIERI

Antonio Accorinti, a 43-year-old alleged member of the Accorinti clan in Briatico, Vibonese, and son of Nino, the head of the same criminal group, has repented and joined the ranks of justice collaborators.

News of Accorinti’s collaboration came to light today during the hearing of the “Imponimento” trial taking place in the fortified courtroom of Lamezia Terme. The magistrate of the Catanzaro Anti-Mafia District, Antonio De Bernardo, who represents the prosecution in the trial, made it known. The prosecutor has submitted the documents relating to the initial statements made by Antonio Accorinti as a collaborator, along with those of Onofrio Barbieri, a former member of the Bonavota clan in Sant’Onofrio, who recently also became a justice collaborator.

The new repentant has an impressive criminal “resume.” According to the investigations carried out by the Anti-Mafia District, Accorinti held a high-ranking position within the clan led by his father. He has also been sentenced to 12 years in prison, in a first-degree judgment, in the trial called “Costa Pulita” and has been involved in the “Olimpo” investigation. In both cases, he was charged with the crime of mafia-type association.

With Antonio Accorinti’s repentance, the number of mafia members from Vibonese who have become justice collaborators in the past year has risen to five.

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