Agnelli: Calenda e Sallusti criticano il loro spostamento politico a sinistra – Il video

Alessandro Sallusti criticizes the Gedi Group publishers (La Repubblica and La Stampa) on the “Stasera Italia” show with Nicola Porro. Sallusti’s words carry weight when considering his recent book written with Giorgia Meloni. Carlo Calenda of Azione also attacks “journalistic populism” on Twitter. Sallusti claims that “there are two newspapers with a specific ownership that criticize the government.” He adds that the Agnelli family, who owns these newspapers, has always had political influence in Italy. Sallusti accuses them of moving their assets abroad and using their newspapers to make Italians believe the country is collapsing. He urges them to return to Italy and contribute to the country instead of staying in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Calenda, on the other hand, uses Twitter to launch his attack. He claims that in Italy, there is an alliance between union populism and political populism, covered by left-wing newspapers that only defend left-wing interests. This alliance hinders serious industrial transformation processes. Calenda criticizes enthusiastic statements about green steel from State (Zingaretti), fake Italian consortiums for Alitalia, guarantees given in the dark to Elkann to pay dividends (Conte-Gualtieri), and the inability to use the golden power to regulate transfers. He believes this incompetence and nonchalance are indications of the weakness of politicians and a part of the union. He suggests that the career trajectory of union leaders, who often end up on the PD’s electoral lists, demonstrates the lack of independence from politics in labor organizations.

Calenda asserts that it is time to speak the truth, even if it is unpleasant. He criticizes going to Marelli without mentioning the “desertification” of the automotive industry and only requesting a vague “government intervention.” He believes this is a convenient excuse and that major countries do not operate this way. He argues for a strong energy policy, industrial development (4.0), and investment in education and research for businesses. He emphasizes the need for open and fearless dialogue with large corporations, regardless of their ownership of newspapers or television networks. This approach is necessary for the benefit of workers and citizens.

Read also: [link to the original article]

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