Renzi critica il governo sulla questione migranti durante l’evento Open

Matteo Renzi, leader of the Italia Viva party, criticized the government’s approach to various issues during a speech at the Open festival. He stated that the government is moving backwards instead of progressing, comparing it to a constant reverse gear.

Renzi also commented on Giorgia Meloni’s statement about defending God and the family, sarcastically questioning whether God had noticed and suggesting that she may be referring to her own family. He then addressed the issue of migrants, emphasizing the importance of respecting the law and not exploiting people’s fears. Renzi shared his own concerns about seeing a group of 500 non-EU citizens causing trouble at a train station in Milan late at night, stating that it is natural for citizens to feel afraid in such situations. He criticized those who deny this reality and play on people’s fears, suggesting that the focus should be on ensuring that those who are in Italy either work or are sent back, rather than rejecting those who are at sea.

Renzi also noted that Matteo Salvini, leader of the League party, is no longer active on Twitter. He mentioned that Salvini was referred to as a criminal when refugees were arriving, but now that refugees are still arriving, he does not criticize the government and instead blames the human traffickers. Renzi accused both Meloni and Salvini of mishandling the immigration issue.

Regarding the possibility of an alliance between the Democratic Party (PD) and the Five Star Movement (M5S), Renzi stated that if the PD allies with the M5S, they will lose and instead need to broaden their alliance towards the center. He also commented on the relationship between Alessandro Di Battista and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, suggesting that they are unwittingly helping Meloni. Renzi emphasized his commitment to politics and stated that if he runs in the European elections, he will do so with the support of preferences. He announced that he will be a candidate in the North West constituency.

Lastly, Renzi criticized the M5S for deviating from their initial goal of revolutionizing politics and instead focusing on providing a basic income and tax breaks, which he believes has caused a significant financial deficit. He also commented on Forza Italia, stating that Silvio Berlusconi’s leadership was unique and cannot be replicated, and that the party has changed under Antonio Tajani’s leadership.

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